
영어 표현 실제 원어민이 알려주는 꿀팁

자본주의노마드 2024. 6. 9. 11:24

영어 표현 원어민 꿀팁



원어민 꿀팁


go for a drink (alcohol. not juice, coffee) 술마시자


technical schools : 우리나라의 공업고등학교


just about = almost exactly = nearly


if 쓰면 will/would가 따라와야함.


fringe : (adjective.) not part of the mainstream


severance pay : 퇴직금


open-plan : have or consist of a large room that is not divided into smaller rooms or areas.


perk : sth extra you get, in addition to a salary. 예를 들어, 해외영업사원이면 전세계를 돌아다니는 부수적인 복지


surplus = leftover = change



위치 전치사


there : general location

on : specific day

at : specific location




cushy job : 편한 일


여행 관련 표현


carry-on luggauge, baggage

ferry : back and forth

RV(Recreational Vehicle)

travel : (verb.) general

trip : (noun.) ex) How was your trip(no travel)?

comfortable : relax, calm

convenient : easy, fast



maximize (the most/more is better as you can) = no limit, as much as possible

optimize = no waste anything, nothing useless


neighborhood => place, where~ ('동' level)

neighbor => person, member


voucher : no pay, just exchange


buy ~ from sth...

buy through service...


맛 표현


spices : natural flavor ... from plants. (not specific flavor)

ex) pasta in a spicy tomato sauce

고소한 : savory, nutty

acidic : 산미, 산성의



strike : not happy, stop working


porch pirate : 현관문 좀도둑




Be동사와 일반동사의 경우 빈도부사 어디에 위치해야하는지?


I always go

I am always

I take care of each other



아픔 표현

It hurts.

my arm hurts.

my injury is painful.

sick -> disease, condition sth.

I was hospitalized (입원)



지점 표현

location - 패스트푸드 가게

store - sell product 일반적인 가게

branch - 은행에서 쓰임



advice, information (uncountable) + a lot of, lots of, so much


irritate - bothersome - troublesome - annoying


online (전치사X)


defect, faulty (noun.)


get a refund.


product awareness : 상품 노출

sports lovers



이디엄 관용표현

play it by ear : adjust, flexibility

I'll take a rain check : next arrangement, next time you can go

in person communication = word of mouth


음료 표현

soft drink : any water-based flavored drink, usually but not necessarily carbonated, and typically including added sweetener.

carbonated drink / soda

sparkling water



celebrities : [셀러브리'디'스]

one-off = only one = one time


drop the ball - don't do sth you are supposed to


hand in = submit

go over = review, discuss (ex. went over the materials)